TWRA Region II’s Polly Rooker Presenter at September Nature @ Noontime

Wednesday, September 01, 2010 | 07:09am
NASHVILLE --- Polly Rooker, Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency Region II Nongame Wildlife Biologist, will be the featured speaker at the September Nature @ Noontime presentation. This month’s program is from 12-1 p.m. on Thursday, Sept.  2. at the TWRA Region II conference room and is located in the Ellington Agricultural Center.
Rooker’s presentation will feature her recent summer trip to northeastern Montana and Yellowstone Park. Traveling with a Mass Audubon tour group for three weeks, Rooker’s small band visited Important Bird Areas (IBAs) on properties managed by The Nature Conservancy (TNC), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and World Wildlife Fund (WWF).
At each site, the group was given in-depth tours by the biologists and area managers, learning about the issues facing each area and getting to see the efforts being made to try to preserve these habitats. Her presentation will include photographs and discussion of the issues facing the various areas.
Hosted by the I&E Division and held on the first Thursday of each month, except July, TWRA Nature @ Noontime presentations are about natural resource related topics and last about 30-45 minutes, allowing time for discussion during the allotted lunch hour. Contact Patricia Miller (615) 781-5276 or by e-mail: for more information.

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