TDOT Asks: What Was Your Bicycling Experience?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010 | 05:31am
TDOT Asks Bicycle Riders to Rate their Biking Experience along Tennessee Highways
NASHVILLE – As bicyclists across Tennessee prepare to hit the roads to enjoy the state’s beautiful fall scenery, the Tennessee Department of Transportation is asking bike riders to rate their experiences bicycling on the state’s highways.   The new online survey will be used as TDOT officials work to update the state bike route network. Input from the survey will help guide the department in developing a comprehensive bicycling network, assess state routes with respect to bicycle suitability, and determine future action items relevant to furthering the goals of TDOT’s Bicycle and Pedestrian plan.
In order to provide meaningful connections to cyclists’ destinations, TDOT invites the public to participate in the online survey by October 30, 2010. The survey is available on TDOT’s website at
In 2005, PlanGo, TDOT’s 25-year Multi-Modal Long Range Transportation Plan, included a Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan element that recommended a statewide bicycle system. Since that time, the department recognized that changes in infrastructure and data collection necessitate an update to the existing bicycle route network. 
The state has made major improvements in bicycle connectivity since that time. This year, Tennessee jumped 19 positions in the annual ranking of Bicycle Friendly States by the League of American Cyclists, from 43rd to 24th. Last week, Knoxville was named a Bicycle Friendly Community at the Bronze level by the League of American Bicyclists, joining Chattanooga as a Tennessee city recognized for its support of citizens choosing to bicycle for transportation and recreation. 
TDOT plays a vital role in all modes of transportation.  The agency works to ensure motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists, commuters, pilots and airline passengers and other travelers have access to safe, efficient transportation systems. 

Media Contact:
Julie Oaks
TDOT Public Information Officer

Press Releases | Transportation