First Lady Hosts Luncheon to Kick-Off Residence Landscape Project

Thursday, October 06, 2011 | 07:00am

Private fundraising event will help renovate historic landscape of 90 year old Tennessee Residence

NASHVILLE – First Lady Crissy Haslam hosted the First Lady’s Luncheon to garner private funds for renovations and restorations of the Tennessee Residence grounds.  Private funds will be used to restore the landscape back to its original design and will incorporate vegetation native to Tennessee.  Funding will also be used to create an inventory system to document existing infrastructure and vegetation on the property and to create a plan to ensure the health and sustainability of the restored and renovated landscape.

“The Tennessee Residence is a beloved treasure for our state and we want to do what we can to restore and preserve the beautiful landscape that surrounds the Residence,” Mrs. Haslam said. 

After a statewide search, Ben Page with Page Duke Landscape was selected to lead the renovation project.  Page has been involved with several high profile projects which include the United States Naval Observatory, the official home of the Vice President of the United States. 

More than 700 men and women from across the state joined the First Lady at the luncheon, demonstrating their support for the next phase of the Residence renovation project.

“I look forward to continuing to raise support for the Tennessee Residence, as we work to restore the Residence grounds, highlighting our state’s historic and unique vegetation that makes us all proud to call this beautiful state home,” Mrs. Haslam said.

For more information about First Lady Crissy Haslam you can visit or follow Mrs. Haslam’s efforts to improve early childhood literacy at or on twitter @CrissyHaslam

Press Releases | First Lady Haslam