First Lady Becomes Reading Role Model

Thursday, February 24, 2011 | 04:35am

Hattie Cotton Elementary Hosts Mrs. Haslam for Read Me Week 2011                      

NASHVILLE – First Lady Crissy Haslam sat down with Mrs. Vicki Russell’s pre-kindergarten class at Hattie Cotton Elementary School to read a few books and to share her passion for children’s literacy.

“Reading to children from the beginning will better prepare them for success in school and in the future,” Mrs. Haslam said.  “Families can take an active role by reading at home, passing the gift of reading on to future generations.”

Read Me Week is sponsored by Book’em which is a Nashville nonprofit children’s literacy organization.  In 1986, Read Me Day was started by a teacher at East Hickman Elementary School in Lyles, Tennessee by the name of Frankie DeWees.  Book’em later expanded the event to Read Me Week to get more schools and volunteers involved.

“We all play a role in high quality education,” Mrs. Haslam added.  “I firmly believe that reading to our children at a young age benefits us all, and I strongly encourage others to volunteer in your local schools to become reading role models to our state’s future leaders.”

Press Releases | First Lady Haslam