First Lady Promotes April As Child Abuse Prevention Month

Tuesday, April 05, 2011 | 05:15am

Mrs. Haslam Participates in the Pinwheels for Prevention Garden

NASHVILLE –First Lady Crissy Haslam joined Prevent Child Abuse Tennessee in the planting of a pinwheel garden at the Capitol today to help launch Child Abuse Prevention Month.  Pinwheels have become a focal point of the annual awareness campaign, which is held in April of each year.

“This is a great opportunity to raise awareness about child abuse and neglect, and create strong communities to support children and families,” Mrs. Haslam said.  “The pinwheel is reflective of the bright futures all children deserve.”

In addition to the blue pinwheel garden, the capitol will be lit with blue lights in observance of child abuse prevention, representing the 95,000 infants to be born in Tennessee this year. 

 “Looking forward,” Mrs. Haslam said to attendees and prevention partners at the capitol, “the pinwheels will also represent the children whose lives are made better because of the mission that gathered us all here today.”

Press Releases | First Lady Haslam