First Lady Attends Tennessee Parent Teacher Association Convention

Friday, April 08, 2011 | 12:45pm

Mrs. Haslam Asks for Ideas to Improve Communication Between Parents and Schools

NASHVILLE –First Lady Crissy Haslam attended Celebrate 100 Years of Tennessee PTA, an event to celebrate the anniversary of the Tennessee Parent Teacher Association held in Nashville. 

As part of the event, Mrs. Haslam hosted a roundtable discussion with PTA Presidents from across the state to learn more about the issues and successes of the various associations.

 “Each educational district has its own set of strengths and areas to improve with parental involvement in schools,” Mrs. Haslam said. “I’m hoping by convening different associations from across the state, we can learn from one another on ways to strengthen this involvement.”

The convention consisted of workshops and speakers to help sharpen and enhance leadership skills for PTA members, and to inspire attendees to continue advocacy efforts on behalf of the children and families of Tennessee.

“The PTA has experience in drawing parents in to schools,” Mrs. Haslam said.  “There are many ways to be involved in a child’s education, and I appreciated learning from this group about creative ways to tackle the hurdles that some parents might face.”

Press Releases | First Lady Haslam