TDOT Completes Safety Review of Britton Bridge, LLC Projects

Thursday, June 09, 2011 | 04:29am
NASHVILLE – The Tennessee Department of Transportation has completed its safety reviews of the nine Britton Bridge and Mountain States projects where work was temporarily suspended following a second fatality on the Henley Street bridge project in Knoxville. TDOT will allow work to resume on all project sites today, after being closed for two weeks pending assessment by TDOT safety officials.
 “We are committed to the safety of all workers on all of our transportation projects,” said TDOT Commissioner John Schroer. “We feel confident that our safety staff has conducted a comprehensive review of the procedures in place and that construction work can safely resume at these sites.”
The safety reviews were conducted by TDOT Construction personnel, Regional Safety Coordinators, engineering consultants, and representatives from Britton Bridge, LLC and Mountain State Contractors. Most of the findings were limited to conditions on the construction sites, as work had been suspended prior to the safety reviews. All findings have either been corrected or will be corrected within the next 24 hours. Over the coming weeks, Regional Construction personnel and Safety Coordinators will make regular visits to each of the projects to monitor safety conditions.
A comprehensive investigation of the May 24th accident on the Henley Street bridge project by the Tennessee OSHA continues. The site is subject to future inspections by Tennessee OSHA.
TDOT is still determining whether Britton Bridge, LLC and Mountain States will be allowed to bid on future construction projects.

For more information:

TDOT Community Relations & Communications Director

Lyndsay Botts

Office 615.741.7736

Mobile 615.319.9488

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