First Lady Visits Literacy Workshop in Nashville

Thursday, August 25, 2011 | 04:00am

Mrs. Haslam joins parents and grandparents at Whitsitt Elementary

NASHVILLE – First Lady Crissy Haslam visited Whitsitt Elementary in Nashville today to observe a literacy workshop for parents and grandparents of elementary school children.

Love. Read. Learn! is an evidence-based program developed by the Volunteer USA Foundation. The literacy workshop offers a unique approach to coaching parents on valuable literacy skills for their elementary-aged children. Nationally, the Love. Read. Learn! workshops have trained more than 75,000 families.

“A parent’s role as a child’s first teacher begins at birth, and this program aims to equip families with skills to help their children succeed,” Mrs. Haslam said.  “Parents who participate in these educational and entertaining workshops gain practical skills to successfully engage and teach reading to their child.”

In addition to encouraging strong partnerships between families and schools, Mrs. Haslam has been highlighting the value of reading for at least 20 minutes each day.

“Parent involvement and reading ability are both strong predictors of a child’s success in school,” Mrs. Haslam said. “Reading is a wise investment for a child’s education, but more importantly, it’s a great opportunity for parents and guardians to connect with their children.”

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