First Lady Hosts Military Spouses at the Tennessee Residence

Thursday, August 04, 2011 | 01:00pm

Mrs. Haslam expresses appreciation and gratitude to military families

NASHVILLE – First Lady Crissy Haslam today hosted more than 100 spouses of deployed soldiers of the Tennessee Army and Air National Guard for a reception at the Tennessee Residence.

The purpose of the event was to honor the sacrifices that military families have made and to pay tribute to the spouses who play a vital role in our nation’s defense. Country Singer/Songwriter Josh Thompson provided entertainment at the event.

“Men and women in the military make incredible sacrifices, and we can never thank you enough for the sacrifices your families have also made for our country,” Mrs. Haslam said during the event.  She also shared best wishes from the governor, who is currently overseas visiting soldiers serving in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Col. Many-Bears Grinder, Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Veterans Affairs, and Maj. Gen. Max Haston, Adjutant General of the Tennessee National Guard, both attended the event to honor military families. A Military Spouses’ Day Proclamation, recently signed by Gov. Bill Haslam, was read aloud to acknowledge the significant contributions, support and sacrifices of spouses of the Armed Forces.

“It was an honor to welcome so many brave military spouses to the Tennessee Residence, and we are so incredibly grateful for their service and sacrifice,” Mrs. Haslam said.


Press Releases | Veterans Services | First Lady Haslam