Tennessee Highway Patrol Honors 9/11 Victims

Friday, September 02, 2011 | 10:27am
NASHVILLE -- To honor the men and women in uniform who lost their lives in New York City and Washington, D.C. on September 11, 2001, several Tennessee State Troopers are wearing special memorial badges the month of September.
Tennessee Highway Patrol Colonel Tracy Trott said Troopers who chose to purchase the special badges would be permitted to wear them in lieu of their state issued badges this month. Troopers will also be allowed to wear the special badges during National Police Memorial Week in May.
"Many public safety personnel were killed on that tragic day ten years ago. This is a small gesture on behalf of the Tennessee Highway Patrol to honor those public servants who perished on September 11th," Colonel Trott said. "We stand with our fellow enforcement officers who made the ultimate sacrifice on that day and who put their lives on the line every day across this great country," Trott added.
The special badges are gold and feature the World Trade Center twin towers behind a banner that reads "Never Forget September 11, 2001." An American eagle sits above a banner near the bottom that reads "Tennessee Highway Patrol." The lower banner rests upon a color image of the American Flag.
The badges are being worn voluntarily by Troopers across the state and were also made available to retired Troopers. The badges were purchased by the individual employees and not the Department of Safety and Homeland Security.
Photos of the special badge accompany this news release.
The Tennessee Department of Safety’s mission is (www.TN.Gov/safety) to ensure the safety and general welfare of the public. The department encompasses the Tennessee Highway Patrol, Office of Homeland Security and Driver License Services. General areas of responsibility include law enforcement, safety education, motorist services and terrorism prevention.   

Press Releases | Safety & Homeland Security