Protecting Suburban Woodlands Subject for February Nature@Noontime

Friday, January 27, 2012 | 04:11am
NASHVILLE --- Protecting Suburban Woodlands will be the subject for the February Nature@Noontime presentation to be hosted by the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. The program is from 12-1 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 2. at the TWRA Region II conference room, located in the Ellington Agricultural Center.
Jane Bibring will be the program’s speaker. A resident of West Meade, her program will feature how a small group of local residents have started a viable process for protecting suburban woodlands. She has been involved in the West Meade Conservancy since shortly after it was founded in 2006.
A graduate of Edinburg (Scotland) University and post-graduate of Stockholm (Sweden) University, she carried out research in the Molecular Biology Department at Vanderbilt University for about 20 years. After becoming interested in education, she then taught 11th and 12 grade sciences at University School of Nashville for about 15 years.
Hosted by the I&E Division and held on the first Thursday of each month, except July, TWRA Nature @ Noontime presentations are about natural resource related topics and last about 30-45 minutes, allowing time for discussion during the allotted lunch hour. Contact Don King (615) 781-6502 or by e-mail: for more information.

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