Tennessee's Next Generation 911 Connects to First Call Center

Wednesday, March 14, 2012 | 05:40am
NASHVILLE- Tennessee’s Next Generation 911 (NG911) network has been connected to its first 911 call center. The initial connection, in Brentwood, begins a process that will connect 911 centers across the state to one of the nation’s first statewide, Internet Protocol (IP)-enabled 911 networks.
“This is digital 911,” said Tennessee Emergency Communications Board (TECB) Chair Randy Porter. “It’s a major stepping stone toward a state-of-the-art network that will improve public safety. NG911 will replace the analog network and increase the reliability of the 911 system. The statewide deployment will provide all Tennessee citizens with a more responsive emergency communications system that will offer improved function in the case of disaster.”
Because of the digital network, if one 911 center is knocked out of service, a center from another location will be able to pick up the calls seamlessly. This function is expected to result in saving both time and lives.
“We’re excited to be moving forward with the Next Generation 911 project,” said Lynn Questell, Executive Director of the TECB. “Not only will this network improve 911 operations, it will also save local Emergency Communications Districts millions of dollars a year in routing and trunking charges. We will be among the first states in the nation to have a truly statewide NG911 network. That’s a testament to the leadership of our Board and the strength of Tennessee’s 911 community.”
Questell noted that the TECB has carefully planned for the NG911 project and has partnered with the State of Tennessee’s digital network, NetTN, and with industry leaders AT&T and Telecommunications System, Inc. to bring it to fruition.
“It’s an amazing process,” Questell said. “It’s been a shared vision and we’re going to do all we can to ensure we get NG911 right every step of the way. The citizens of Tennessee deserve nothing less.”
The Tennessee Emergency Communications Board ensures that every citizen can effectively access the life-saving power of 911. The TECB is composed of nine members from across the state of Tennessee – including five 911 professionals and representatives of cities, counties and the general public. It is administratively attached to the Department of Commerce and Insurance, which works to protect consumers while ensuring fair competition for industries and professionals who do business in Tennessee. www.tn.gov/commerce/, @TNCommerceInsur (Twitter), http://on.fb.me/uFQwUZ (Facebook), http://bit.ly/ry1GyX (YouTube)

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