Governor Haslam Proclaims Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

Thursday, December 05, 2013 | 05:09am

NASHVILLE – Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam and Tennessee Department of Veterans Affairs Commissioner Many-Bears Grinder today announced December 7, 2013 as Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.

On December 7, 1941, 2,390 American military personnel were killed and another 1,178 were wounded in an unprovoked attack by the Air and Naval forces serving Japan.

The United States Congress, by Public Law 103 308, as amended, has designated December 7 of each year as “National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day” to recognize and honor brave heroes who died and demonstrate deep gratitude and admiration for their sacrifice.

“The attacks on Pearl Harbor killed thousands of Americans and 20 Tennesseans during a very dark day in our country’s history,” Haslam said.  “Although this tragedy happened more than seven decades ago, the sacrifice of those killed and wounded prompts us to pause and remember.”

“On this day, we remember the lives lost and lives forever changed during a rare attack on American soil,” Grinder said.  “It is important to observe the era of American history to ensure future generations understand the tragedy and value the stories of survivors and their families.”

Commissioner Grinder will present Governor Haslam’s Pearl Harbor Remembrance Proclamations to Pearl Harbor survivor Claude Dean well as Tennessee Valley Healthcare System Director Juan Morales during the Pearl Harbor Day 72st Anniversary Commemoration ceremony at the Flynn G. Humphreys Chapel at the VA Medical Center-Nashville, 1310 24th Avenue South, at 10:15 a.m. on Friday, December 6.  Media contact is Chris Conklin at (615) 225-4690.

For more information on the Tennessee Department of Veterans Affairs visit the department’s web site at, facebook/myTDVA or twitter @TNDVA.


Press Releases | Veterans Services