Consumer Affairs: Use these tips to avoid automobile warranty issues

Thursday, March 07, 2013 | 05:29am

NASHVILLE, TN – You purchased it with your car, but what exactly does your warranty promise to deliver? It’s best to know before you need it. Here are some tips to making sure your warranty works for you. 

Read your warranty – Often bundled with your owner’s manual, the warranty gives a general description and specific details about your coverage. If you have misplaced your owner’s manual, look for it online. Check the “owners” section of your vehicle manufacturer’s website. 
Be aware of your warranty period – If problems arise that are covered under the warranty, get them checked out before the warranty expires.
Service your car at regular intervals – This is a good idea in any case. But for the sake of keeping your warranty intact, follow the manufacturer’s recommended service schedule. Details are in your owner’s manual. 
Keep all service records and receipts – Regardless of who performs the service. This includes oil changes, tire rotations, belt replacements, new brake pads and inspections. Create a file to track repairs; it will come in handy if you have to use your warranty. If you ever have a warranty claim and it appears that you did not maintain your vehicle, you could be denied. 
Complain – If you think a dealer’s service advisor denied your warranty claim unfairly, ask to speak with a supervisor. If you still aren’t satisfied, contact the manufacturer or go to another dealer. You also might wish to file a complaint with the Tennessee Motor Vehicle Commission (615-741-2711 or or the Tennessee Division of Consumer Affairs (800-342-8385 or (  
Consumer Affairs ( is a division of the Department of Commerce and Insurance (, which works to protect consumers while ensuring fair competition for industries and professionals who do business in Tennessee., @TNCommerceInsur (Twitter), (Facebook), (YouTube)  

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