TDEC Announces Recycling and Waste Reduction Grants

Tuesday, September 10, 2013 | 03:38am

Recycling Equipment, Hub and Spoke Recycling and Used Oil Grant Applications Due Oct. 21

NASHVILLE — The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation’s Division of Solid Waste Management is now accepting applications for Recycling and Waste Reduction grants. Grants are being offered for Recycling Equipment, Hub and Spoke Recycling and Used Oil.

“We are pleased to offer these grants aimed at growing jobs and increasing revenue in our state and region in a way that also benefits the environment and our natural resources,” Environment and Conservation Commissioner Bob Martineau said. “Proper disposal reduces the amount of solid waste going into Tennessee landfills and impacts the water quality of our lakes, streams and groundwater.”

The Recycling Equipment and the Hub and Spoke Recycling grant programs are authorized by the Solid Waste Management Act of 1991 and funded by the Tennessee Solid Waste Management Fund. This fund, which is administered by TDEC, receives its revenue from a state surcharge on each ton of municipal solid waste disposed in landfills, along with a fee collected from new tires sold in Tennessee.

The Used Oil grants are authorized by the Used Oil Collection Act and funded by the Used Oil Collection Fund. The fund receives its revenue from a $0.02 fee on each quart of oil sold at wholesale.

Recycling directly impacts over 30 manufacturers in the state who use materials collected in their manufacturing process. These manufacturers provide over 6,500 jobs to Tennessee’s citizens and generate over $4.3 billion in annual sales, according to a study by the Southeast Recycling Development Council (SERDC). To support these manufacturing companies and the Governor’s Jobs4TN plan, TDEC offers the recycling grants to increase collection of recyclable materials needed to feed these facilities.


Recycling Equipment Grants


Recycling Equipment grants are available to local governments and non-profit recycling organizations working with local governments. Grant funds may be used to purchase key pieces of equipment to establish new recycling programs, to improve existing operations or to prepare recyclable materials for transport or sale. The grant program helps encourage recycling and reduces the amount of solid waste going into Tennessee landfills. $200,000 is available for fiscal year 2013-2014 and no grant may exceed $25,000. A local match of 10-50% is required based on an economic index, which includes factors such as per capita income and property values in the jurisdiction to be served.

The three priorities for this grant include:


  • Applicants that employ developmentally disabled individuals, as defined in T.C.A. §33-1-101 (10).
  • Applicants in partnerships among three or more local governments.
  • Applicants that start, extend and modify plastics/aluminum beverage containers or paper/fiber recycling programs.


HUB and Spoke Recycling Grants


The Hub and Spoke Recycling grants are available to three or more local governments, solid waste planning regions, counties and municipalities, solid waste authorities and non-profit recycling organizations working cooperatively as a recycling collection and processing system. These entities receive cost advantages through increased recycling volumes by identifying specific-focused activities that each partner should perform to minimize operational costs and increase revenues generated for materials collected. $900,000 is available for fiscal year 2013-2014 and no grant may exceed $300,000 per program. This is a non-matching grant.

The two priorities for this grant include:


  • Applicants in partnership among three or more local governments, solid waste planning regions, counties and municipalities, solid waste authorities and non-profit recycling organizations.
  • Applicants requesting expansion of an existing hub and spoke recycling program or start of a new hub and spoke recycling program for plastics or paper/fiber.


Used Oil Grants


The Used Oil grants are available to local governments to establish collection centers for do-it-yourselfers used oil or to improve or replace collection equipment at an existing used oil collection center. $500,000 is available for fiscal year 2013-2014. Grants may be awarded for $16,300 per collection center. This is a non-matching grant.

The two priorities for this grant include:


  • The first priority for grant funding is to establish collection centers in underserved areas.
  • The second priority is to fund improvement or replacement of equipment in existing public facilities.


The department will host workshops across the state to assist communities in understanding the application process. The application deadline for the Recycling Equipment, Hub and Spoke Recycling and Used Oil grants is Oct. 21 at 4:30 p.m. CDT. For more information or to obtain applications, contact Loretta Harrington at 615-532-0086, or visit


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