TDOC To Honor Volunteers Working With Offenders

Wednesday, October 08, 2014 | 09:27am

NASHVILLE – On Thursday, October 16th, the Tennessee Department of Correction will hold a banquet honoring volunteers who donate their time at the Tennessee Prison for Women.  Naomi Tutu, the daughter of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, will be the keynote speaker at the event.  Awards will also be given to volunteers who work in religious services, education, recreation and counseling.  More than 200 volunteers are expected to attend.

Our volunteers regularly work with offenders at the Tennessee Prison for Women, donating their time and talent to help with everything from music and enrichment to educational programs.  The Tennessee Department of Correction is proud to recognize their efforts.

WHAT:     Volunteer Banquet

WHEN:      Thursday, October 16th, 2014

   6:00-8:00 p.m.

WHERE:   Tennessee Prison for Women

   3881 Stewarts Lane

                   Nashville, TN 37218

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