Haslam and TDEC Announce Next Clean Tennessee Energy Grant Cycle

Tuesday, November 04, 2014 | 03:17am

Funding Helps Promote Energy Efficiency Projects, Benefiting the Environment and Bottom Line

NASHVILLE – Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam and Department of Environment and Conservation Commissioner Bob Martineau today announced a fourth offering of the Clean Tennessee Energy Grants, totaling $2 million, to fund energy efficiency projects for municipal governments, county governments, utility districts and other similar entities across Tennessee.

“We want to commend local governments and districts across Tennessee for taking these steps to improve their energy efficiency,” Haslam said. “These projects funded through these grants in cleaner alternative energy, energy conservation and air quality improvement help reduce taxpayer costs and benefit the environment, both positive outcomes for Tennesseans.”

Funding for the projects comes from an April 2011 Clean Air Act settlement with the Tennessee Valley Authority.

The Clean Tennessee Energy Grant Program provides financial assistance to municipal government, county government, utility districts, and other entities created by statute (e.g. airport authority) to purchase, install and construct energy projects. Eligible categories of the Clean Tennessee Energy Grant Program include:

  • Cleaner Alternative Energy – biomass, geothermal, solar, wind
  • Energy Conservation – lighting, HVAC improvements, improved fuel efficiency, insulation, idling minimization
  • Air Quality Improvement – reduction in greenhouse gases, sulfur dioxide, volatile organic compounds, oxides of nitrogen, hazardous air pollutants

“We are pleased to announce this fourth round of Clean Tennessee Energy Grants and look forward to receiving an equally impressive array of projects as we did this past year,” Martineau said. “These grants provide an outstanding opportunity to promote environmental stewardship and energy efficiency across the state, while decreasing emissions and reducing expenses at the local level.”

The maximum grant amount per project is $250,000 and requires a match from the applicant. Grant applications are available on TDEC’s website and will be accepted until January 30, 2015. Recipients are expected to be announced in the summer of 2015.

Grant recipients will be selected with careful consideration given to the projects that meet the selection criteria and express the greatest need. To learn more about the Clean Tennessee Energy Grant or to obtain an application, please visit www.tn.gov/environment/grants_energy.shtml or contact Kathy Glapa at (615) 253-8780 or Kathy.Glapa@tn.gov.



Press Releases | Environment & Conservation