TDEC Announces Parks and Recreation Citizen’s Board Training

Thursday, April 17, 2014 | 06:41am

NASHVILLE – The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation’s Recreation Educational Services Division will offer Citizen’s Board Training at Montgomery Bell State Park June 17-18, 2014.

The training workshop will educate citizens and local governments on the importance of parks and recreation citizen advisory boards and how to create an effective and active board. This workshop also covers important contributions the boards provide in the delivery of quality parks and recreation programs and facilities.


WHO:              Recreation Educational Services Division


WHAT:            Citizen’s Board Training


WHEN:            Tuesday, June 17 and Wednesday, June 18


WHERE:         Montgomery Bell State Park

                        1020 Jackson Hill Road in Burns


The registration fee for the workshop is $40. Register by June 2 by calling 615-797-3101 or visiting  

Lodging is available at the Montgomery Bell State Park Inn for $83 plus tax. Please refer to “Citizen’s Board Training” when making reservations by phone or refer to group #7303 when reserving online.

For more information, visit


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