TDOC Launches A New Faith Based Collaboration

Monday, May 05, 2014 | 07:16am

NASHVILLE -  This morning Commissioner Derrick Schofield and Representative Johnny Shaw(D-Bolivar) hosted a local prayer breakfast at Christ United Methodist Church to kick off the Take One Program.  Take One is a collaboration between faith based and nonprofit organizations throughout the state to help offenders leaving correctional facilities to successfully re-enter society.  Take One encourages each organization to agree to mentor one offender for one year.

An estimated 90% of incarcerated offenders will eventually be released back into our communities.  This new program allows TDOC to not only operate safe and secure prisons and provide effective community supervision, but also enhance public safety by helping prepare offenders for re-entry to the community.  “Take One is an opportunity for citizens to take an active role in making Tennessee a safer place to live, work and go to school by helping offenders find their way to new, productive and crime-free lives,” Commissioner Derrick Schofield said.  This program creates a network of organizations that provides offenders with a variety of supportive services to assist them during their first year of release.

This morning’s breakfast was the first of a state wide launch.  During each event potential partners have a chance to learn more about the Take One program and sign up to take part in this initiative. The next prayer breakfast will be held in Jackson, Tennessee on May 21st.

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