Presidential Service Badge

Presidential Service Badge

Available to: An active, retired, or honorably discharged recipient of the Presidential Service Badge.

Documentation Required: An active, retired, or honorably discharged recipient of the Presidential Service Badge.
Documentation Required: (1)(A) Valid military identification card or such other document as sufficient proof applicant is active member of the United States armed forces, or  (B)(i) certified copy of veteran’s certificate of release or discharge from active duty, department of defense form 214 (DD 214), honorable discharge certificate, department of defense form 256 (DD 256), or report of separation and record of service, NGB for 22, that indicates honorable discharge characterization:  (ii) valid DD for 2 (Retired) military identification card; or (iii) Tennessee driver’s license that indicates military service in accordance with 55-50-354; and (2) Documentation certifying that applicant for plate is submitted by a recipient of the Presidential Service Badge, to include: (A) Military orders awarding the Presidential Service Badge, authorized by the United States army to the member or veteran; or (B) the veteran’s certificate of release or discharge from active duty, department of defense form 214 (DD 214) or report of separation and record of service, NGB form 22, indicating the awarding of Presidential Service Badge. 

Cost: $26.50 annual fee (initial fee is $30.20)

Vehicle Classes:  Passenger