AgLaunch – Tennessee Farmer Network

Rural TN - Bledsoe

AgLaunch, a nonprofit focused on transforming regional agriculture, partnered with multiple state agencies in 2017 to develop the Tennessee Farmer Network. The Farmer Network provides connectivity among farmers, researchers, and ag-related companies to support the use of resources and emerging best practices. Ultimately, the goal of the program is to advance the use of technologies that can quickly and reliably help farmers make solid decisions that use less water, less land, and fewer inputs that are vital to the future of farm and food sustainability.

Initially, the Farmer Network consisted of 16 farmer-members representing 19 counties across Tennessee. The network includes pork producers, cattle farmers, dairy farmers, row-crop farmers, an equine farm, vegetable growers, and even a wine-maker. Members have an opportunity to screen, review, and select which agtech startups they would like to host for field trials. As part of the Farmer Network, producers are eligible for a 100% reimbursement on the hard-costs associated with pre-commercial technologies through the Tennessee Agricultural Enhancement Program (TAEP) administered by Tennessee Department of Agriculture (TDA).

Funding Sources

USDA Rural Development Grant
Delta Regional Authority Grant $75,000
TN Agriculture Enhancement Program (TAEP) Grant $400,000