Tennessee State Trooper Terminated for Violating Department Policy

Friday, October 16, 2015 | 02:43pm

NASHVILLE --- Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security Commissioner Bill Gibbons and Tennessee Highway Patrol Colonel Tracy Trott today announced that a Tennessee state trooper in the Knoxville District has been terminated from the department for violating department policy.

The department served notice of termination to Trooper Jerry Watson following an internal investigation that found Watson had issued citations to drivers for violation of the state seat belt law and then later dismissed the citations without securing approval. He also issued seat belt citations to citizens without informing the citizens or presenting the written documents.

The memorandum of disciplinary action delivered to Watson states he was terminated for conduct unbecoming of an employee in state service. It goes on to say Watson brought discredit to himself as a law enforcement officer and to the department.

“This is unacceptable behavior, and we will not tolerate it from any state trooper. We promptly acted to investigate the allegations, and the trooper received the appropriate disciplinary action,” Commissioner Gibbons said.

“This one trooper’s actions are not reflective of the hundreds of state troopers who honorably do their jobs every day to help protect the citizens of Tennessee,” Colonel Trott said. “We will continue to enforce the seat belt law because it has been proven that wearing a seat belt saves lives. Any trooper who unjustly or fraudulently issues citations will be held accountable,” Trott added.

The department initially placed Watson on discretionary leave with pay on October 12. All departmental equipment including weapons, badges and commission card were secured at that time.

Watson was first hired as a state trooper in 1987. He resigned in 2001 and was reappointed in 2003. By the close of business on Wednesday, Watson had submitted paperwork for retirement.

It is the Department of Safety and Homeland Security’s policy to warn, suspend, demote or dismiss any employee whenever just or legal cause exists. Employees shall not commit any act that would reflect discredit upon themselves or the Department while on or off duty.

The Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security’s (www.TN.Gov/safety) mission is to serve, secure, and protect the people of Tennessee.
