Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security Accepting Third Party Vendor Online Conceal Carry Permit Class Applications

Applications being accepted ahead of Public Chapter No. 479 Going Into Effect January 1, 2020
Monday, November 25, 2019 | 05:14pm

NASHVILLE –Effective today, November 25, 2019 the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security (TDOSHS) is accepting third party vendor online concealed carry permit (CCP) class applications. Those interested may apply online at https://www.tn.gov/safety/tnhp/handgun/become-an-instructor.html ahead of Public Chapter No. 479 going into effect January 1, 2020.  This act, created by the Tennessee General Assembly creates a new concealed handgun carry permit which requires the handgun be carried concealed and re-designates the existing permit as an enhanced handgun carry permit, which allows residents to carry openly or concealed.

To apply to become a concealed handgun carry permit third party vendor online class, please complete the following steps:

1.       Complete an application to become an online Concealed Handgun Carry Permit third party vendor class/instructor.

2.       Submit by email both your application and a copy of your handgun instructor certification document to ccpclass.submissions@tn.gov.

3.       Submissions will be reviewed in the order they are received. Once your submission is assigned for review, you will receive an email from an inspector confirming your application is being processed.

4.       If approved, a registration number will be assigned to your class and an email will be sent to you signifying your official acceptance as a Tennessee third party vendor online concealed carry permit (CCP) class/instructor.

5.       If denied, you will receive an email explaining the reason(s) for denial and the steps needed for approval.

6.       Your class name, instructor’s name, student name, assigned state registration number, and date of class will be required on all successful online CCP class certificates.

7.       Approved online classes will be reviewed annually for content compliance and subsequent legal updates.


More information regarding the CCP will be forthcoming ahead of the January 1, 2020 law going into effect.

The Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security’s (www.TN.gov/safety) mission is to serve, secure, and protect the people of Tennessee.
