State to Launch Math Academic Standards Public Review Website

Tuesday, November 05, 2019 | 10:09am


Later this month, the Tennessee State Board of Education will launch a review website where the public will be invited to provide feedback and comments on the current K-12 math academic standards. Public comments from the review website will be taken into consideration when the math academic standards are reviewed next year.

WHAT: Public review website to gather feedback on K-12 math academic standards
WHEN: November 12, 2019, 12 PM CST until December 6, 2019, 12 PM CST 

Upon completion of the window for public comment, an advisory team comprised of Tennessee educators will create a draft of recommended math academic standards. The State Board of Education is undertaking the revision of math academic standards in order to align the math standards review process with the math textbook adoption cycle. After the State Board approves math standards on final reading in late 2020, the state Textbook and Instructional Materials Commission will recommend a list of aligned educational resources from which school districts will adopt materials. The revised math standards will go into effect for the 2022-23 school year with aligned instructional materials. 

The State Board of Education is charged in law with reviewing all academic standards at least every six years in a thorough and transparent process. The State Board last received public comment on Tennessee’s math standards in 2015 and following revision, approved the current standards in April 2016. During that review process, there were 131,424 reviews and 20,344 comments, each of which was considered by the educator advisory team as they updated the standards line-by-line.
