Applying for Juvenile Justice Grants

TCCY receives the approved federal award amount from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). Request for proposals (RFP) are developed to include the purpose of the Federal Formula Grant program, the category requirements, a grant review guide and submission details and deadlines. RFPs are distributed statewide. Once applications are submitted, TCCY juvenile justice staff review and score applications according to the Grant Review Guide. The Grant Review Committee (GRC) reviews and scores applications, and their scores are combined and averaged with juvenile justice staff scores. The GRC makes recommendations for approval/disapproval to the full Commission. The Commission will take action on all grants, and applicants will receive notification of that action. Start dates vary for each grant category. Grant applicants will be awarded based on geographical area, previous site visit, grant score and progress report, if applicable. In addition to the quality of each proposal, issues of statewide distribution, prior funding history, etc., may also be considered in making funding decisions.

Questions about the application process can be directed to Zanira Whitfield at (615) 532-1582 or Therese Sipes at (629) 259-1275.


Zanira Whitfield

Zanira Whitfield

Juvenile Justice Specialist
(615) 532-1582