File a Complaint

Collection Service Board


The Tennessee Collection Service Board licenses and regulates collection agencies and their location managers under the provisions of Tennessee Code Annotated 62-20-101 et seq. and corresponding Administrative Rules. The Board's authority exists only within the area authorized by the legislature.

Please complete the enclosed complaint form, giving as much detail as possible, including any supporting documentation, to assist the Board in making a fair determination regarding your complaint.

The Collection Service Board cannot recover or order the refund of any money to which you may be entitled. You should seek private counsel for advice on how to proceed with action in matters concerning a lawsuit.

The board office will send a request for a written response to the allegations in your complaint within fifteen (15) days of the receipt of your complaint form.

The respondent will have twenty (20) days to respond.

The complaint and response will be forwarded to our legal counsel for presentation to the Tennessee Collection Service Board, which has the sole authority to determine the appropriate action. You will be notified in writing of the board's determination.

To file a complaint online, please visit CORE and click "File a Complaint" near the top right corner of the page.