For Providers

This screening program began January 1, 2013, and adds pulse oximetry screening to routine testing performed on all infants. It is recommended that pulse oximetry screening be done in conjunction with other standard-of-care newborn screening that requires the infant be at least 24 hours of age (such as metabolic or hearing screening). Pulse oximetry results will be documented on the newborn screening form (currently being revised) and will be mailed to the State Laboratory with the blood specimen and hearing results.

  • Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
  • Pulmonary atresia (with intact septum)
  • Tetralogy of Fallot 
  • Total anomalous pulmonary venous return
  • Transposition of the great arteries
  • Tricuspid atresia
  • Truncus arteriosus
  • Double-outlet right ventricle (DORV)
  • Single ventricle
  • Ebstein's anomaly
  • Interrupted aortic arch (IAA) 

In contrast to blood-based newborn screens such as those for metabolic disorders in which testing is performed at the state laboratory and providers are notified of results, the CCHD screen is a point-of-care test. Point-of care testing refers to those tests administered outside of a laboratory but close to the site of direct delivery of medical care for a patient. Intervention will take place at the hospitals and birthing facilities if the infant fails the pulse oximetry test. All hospitals, birthing centers and midwives should have a written plan in place as part of their protocol to guide them if a newborn fails the CCHD screen.

Protocol (Algorithm) for  Critical congenital heart disease (CCHD)

CCHD Identified by Pediatric Cardiologists Reporting Form

Service Referrals Cheat Sheet - Providers