
2024-2025 TAEP Application B – Producer Diversification

50% Cost Share – Maximum Reimbursement - $12,000

The amount of payment is based upon 50% of expenses incurred for eligible program items up to the program maximum.

Approved applicant will receive a revised budget with reimbursement documentation. The revised budget indicates approved items per committee review and cost share allocation amount.
All committee decisions are final.

Applicant Responsibility

It is the applicant’s responsibility to review all TAEP program requirements prior to applying for cost share. Applicant must qualify for program selected at time of application to be considered for approval.

Applicant Eligibility
Educational Requirements
Reimbursement Requirements
Verification Requirements
Applying for TAEP

Who is a Horticulture Producer?

For the purposes of TAEP, an eligible Horticulture operation is involved in the production of tree/plant stock for sale and is aimed at increasing profitability of the operation.
•    Nurseries
•    Plant farms
•    Tree farms

Horticulture Applicant Requirements

The applicant’s business must produce most of their plants from seed or cutting to finished product. Businesses who make most of their gross sales from plants purchased for resale are not eligible.
Consumer & Industry Services Requirements:
•    Applicant must meet all state and local regulatory requirements at time of application.
•    Applicant producing nursery stock, greenhouse plants, turf grass, etc. must be licensed by the State of Tennessee.
•    Contact the Tennessee Department of Agriculture – Consumer and Industry Services at 615-837-5137 for more information on required permits.

Special Requirements – Horticulture

UT Master Nursery Producer (preferred), UT Master Farm Manager, UT Master Farm Family Health & Wellness, or TSU New Farmer Academy

What Horticulture Projects Qualify for TAEP?

The proposed activity/project must encompass quality expansion or improvement of the applicant’s farm and business. The eligible categories are farm infrastructure, specialty equipment and marketing.

Competitive Projects – Horticulture Sector:
•    Priority is given to long-term projects that focus on improving or increasing production.
•    Marketing projects that are long-term in nature may be eligible but are not considered as competitive as those involving production.
•    Only complete applications that include sufficient information will be considered for evaluation.

• Not all eligible items are listed; please contact the Producer Diversification Coordinator for project eligibility or clarification prior to applying for TAEP cost share.
• All eligible items requested may not be approved due to the competitive evaluation of the program.
• To ensure long-term investments, items requested must be able to meet the five (5) year verification period to be considered for cost share.

* Include dimensions and designs with project proposal.

Aeration system – flowers
Cold frames*
Cold Storage *
  •     Walk in cooler
  •     Components
Container production area*
Drying house – flowers*
Fan – greenhouse
Fertilizer equipment
Field planter
Gravel – geotextile preferred
  •     Foundation*
  •     Propagation area*
  •     Container production
Greenhouse *
  •     Covering
  •     Overwintering
  •     Shade system
  •     Structure
Heater – greenhouse
High tunnel/hoop house*
  •     Controller system
  •     Filter system
  •     Overhead/drip
  •     Pivot
  •     Pond liner
  •     Pump

Lighting – not for aesthetics
  •     Greenhouse*
Loading area/dock*
Packing facility*
Packing line equipment
Potting building*
Potting wagon
Propagation building*
Propagation mats
Rolling carts
Sod harvester
Soil mixer
Spray equipment
Thermal tag printer – horticulture only
Thermostat – greenhouse
Tree baler –standing
Tree claw
Tree lifter/shaker
Tree hauling wagons
Tree spade
Tree transplanter
Tree trimmer
Water level control
Water storage tanks
Website development – no fees
Wood boiler

Building – storage
Containers – bottles, pots, packaging
Drip Tape
Driveways, trails, paths, roads, etc.
Electrical consumption
Fees – membership
Giveaway items
Golf cart
Growing buckets/pots
Hemp Projects
Labor – applicant
Land – clearing of
Maintenance of existing structures, equipment, items

Meeting expenses
Motorized vehicles – ATV, forklift, tractor
Office equipment
Paper chain pots
Plants – liners/plugs
Product development
Property – purchase or debt payment
Renovations – of existing structures
Seeds – produce, nursery, flowers, etc.
Solar Power Equipment
Store – general
Trade show display and expenses
Trailers – livestock
Used equipment
Water source creation – ponds/wells
Website – annual, domain or hosting fees

Reimbursement Request Deadline – August 1, 2025

Allowable purchase dates for Producer Diversification are from October 1, 2024 – August 1, 2025.
All items, regardless of backorder status, must be purchased (paid in full or financed) by the program reimbursement deadline. Backordered items may be ineligible for cost share if not delivered to the farm by the program deadline.
Receipts must be in the name of the applicant approved for cost share funding.
Quotes and purchase orders do not represent a purchase and are not considered receipts.
Proof of payment may be requested to verify purchase.
See “Reimbursement Requirements” link at the top of the page for more information.

Email producer.diversification@tn.gov for additional information.