Top 10 Questions or Issues with Workers’ Compensation

June 13, 2019, from 11:00 am to 12:15 pm


June 13, 2019

11:00 am to 12:15 pm


Cambridge AB

 Suggested Audience

Employers, Adjusters, Attorneys, Mediators, Nurse Case Managers, Medical Providers


  • Jeannie Henderson, Workers’ Compensation Mediation Supervisor, BWC

Download Presentation


Session Description

The law changed for workers compensation in 2014, and Tennessee has had almost 5 years to incorporate the new system.  While the new administrative system has proven successful, there are still some questions and concerns held by employees, employers, adjusters, attorneys, and even the judges and administration at the Bureau of Workers Compensation.  This presentation is to discuss overall the system and its progress over the last five years, starting with the law changes and how they have been implemented over that time frame. Subsequently, a generalized presentation of what questions the presenter has commonly heard over that time frame will be discussed.

Around the conference, there will be boxes regarding issues attendees are currently having with the workers compensation process in Tennessee. These issues will cover several aspects of the workers compensation spectrum, from recent changes in the laws, to adjuster requirements, to evidentiary issues or court rules and regulations. Those issues will be tabulated and presented at the conference, with the speaker discussing different viewpoints on the top 10 issues, and addressing how to deal with the issues presented in a manner that creates the best chances of resolution for all parties involved. Subsequently, a general question and answer period will be conducted to answer any outlying questions not previously considered in the presentation.

Up Next: Lunch (provided) then Breakout Sessions at 1:30 PM