
Employer Pre-Conference Brunch 

Before the conference kicks off on Wednesday afternoon, employers are invited to join us for a complementary brunch as we reveal the winners of the first ever recipient(s) of the REWARD Honor Roll as they share their best practices for successful return-to-work programs.

Wednesday, June 12 @ 9:45 AM
in the Convention Center side of the hotel

Interested? Let us know (for food planning purposes.)

Past Conferences

View the schedules of past years' conferences. Some years may include audio and/or slideshow downloads peppered within the agendas.

Fundraiser for Kids' Chance

Fundraiser to provide scholarships

Have Questions about the Court System? Ask the Chief!

 Join Hon. Kenneth Switzer for an informal chat during conference breaks on Thursday. Judge Switzer is eager to answer your questions and address any comments you may have about the court system. Stop by the Cambridge Boardroom at 9 am or 2:30 pm for a chance to talk to the judge.

 Cambridge Boardroom

 9 am or 2:30 pm

 Thursday, June 13