Returning Catastrophic Injuries to Life and Work: A Case Study of 3rd Degree Burns

Treatment, Recovery and Return to Work
June 14, 2019, from 10:30 am to 11:45 am


June 14, 2019

10:30 am to 11:45 am


Mirabella A-E


  • Kourtney Sanders, Supervising Mediation Specialist, BWC

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  • Shirley Vincent, RN, Owner, Guardian Medical Consultants 
  • Travis Reynolds, Sales and Safety, Nucor Steel 
  • William Hickerson, MD, FACS, Medical Director, University Plastic Surgeons 
  • Martha Herron, RN, Occupational Health Nurse, Nucor Steel

Session Description

Employees that suffer catastrophic burn injuries can successfully treat, recover, thrive and return to a productive life, if the injured worker, the employer, physician and medical case manager work together as a team toward mutual goals. The team in this session will present a case study of a 29-year old man who sustained catastrophic3rd degree burns to his face and neck in a work-related accident. During this session, the individual team members will explain the complex medical treatment, obstacles, creative solutions and ongoing challenges faced in the long recovery process. The injured worker will share his personal experience and recount how he was successfully able to return to his life and career. The panel will then open for questions.

Next Up: Closing Comments from Abbie Hudgens