2021 Middle TN Summit Capture the Flag (CtF)

October 20, 2021


October 20, 2021

8:30 am

2021 CTF Rules and Information

When: October 20, 2021 - 8:30am CST

Where: Virtual

About: This year, the CtF will be made up of real-world servers with vulnerabilities baked into them that participants must find and capture keys.  More information, including the rules and registration are listed below. The CtF will be limited to 75 participants - register early! The servers will be in an isolated NOC/SOC area and operated by the ITIM program at the TCAT Shelbyville Cyber Center. For more info, please visit https://middletncyberconf.com/capture-the-flag

Registration: Registration is free! Participant representative must register each member of their team individually via email and must include a request to participate on company letterhead or school letterhead

  • Register with Steve.Mallard[@]tcatshelbyville.edu – Subject Line: 2021 CtF
  • Participant or representative must use a company or school email for each person
  • An approval email (receipt) will be returned to you within 36 hours
  • Deadline is October 10, 2021

Event Rules

  • Each individual representative is responsible for checking IP addresses before attacking and gathering information about the given target
  • Each participant will be given streaming information, specifically, link, meeting, and password information.  You will also be given an access code. This information must remain confidential. 
  • The morning of the event, you will be placed in a waiting room and you must privately message the host your access code in order to be let into the meeting
  • When entering the event, you MUST use your registered team name or real name
  • You must mute your microphone until the event starts
  • You must turn on your webcam
  • Inappropriate backgrounds, language or public chat can result in removal from the event 
  • Check in begins at 08:00 CST
  • The event starts at 08:30 CST
  • The event ends at 11:00 CST
  • Four target servers with various vulnerabilities will be available 
  • You must gather keys (plain text files) and take the keys from the servers
  • The keys will be emailed to the host at the end of the event
  • Rules are subject to change (always check here) until the beginning of the event
  • TCAT Shelbyville students of the ITIM program cannot participate

Prizes this Year:

  • Trophies and medals
  • USBs with software
  • Books
  • Hardware
  • and more! Prizes will be mailed to winners.  Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery