2018 Deaths

Note: When possible and as available, the Department will post preliminary information concerning a child's age, gender, and previous history within two business days of a custody or non-custody child death*. Following case closure, information concerning the case disposition, whether the case meets criteria for a child death review, and the full case file will be posted as available. The files on this page were created using information available at the time of posting. Files may be added or updated as new information becomes available.

*A custody death is defined as any child in the state of Tennessee who is in the custody of the Department of Children's Services at the time of his or her death. A non-custody death is defined as any child in the state of Tennessee who is not in DCS custody at the time of death and his or her death is investigated as an allegation of abuse or neglect by DCS.

Important Note: It is essential to have an accurate understanding of the child death data reported on this site.

For information on reporting methodology, definitions, data parameters, etc. please click here.

Case Number Quarter Type Age Gender Previous History Disposition Meets Death Review Criteria URL