National Youth In Transition Database

What is the National Youth in Transition Database?
The National Youth in Transition Database is a national study that surveys youth about their thoughts and experiences of foster care services and tracks the independent living services that youth receive. The Tennessee Department of Children’s Services and YVLifeSet are partners in ensuring best practices, which is required by the US government.

Who Participates In the Database?
All youth in foster care who turn 17, a sample of 19-year-olds and a sample of 21-year-olds.

What is Your Role as a Youth In the Database?
Youth input is very important to the project. In Tennessee, you will be contacted soon after turning 17 and asked to answer some questions on a survey about services you’ve received. 

How many NYTD surveys are there?
Three. The first survey is provided to youth in care who turn 17, the second at 19, and the third at 21.


  • The survey can be completed by phone, in person, or by mail. The TN NYTD team will contact you around your 17th birthday to ask how you would like to take the survey. You can also contact us and let us know in advance.
  • Some youth may find a question on the survey that does not apply to them or that they don’t want to answer. A youth may circle “declined” for any of these questions.
  • The survey should take no more than 20-25 minutes to complete.
  • All youth who complete a follow-up survey at ages 19 and 21 will receive a $25 gift card.
  • Youth feedback, along with foster youth from other states, will be put into the database. The individual data for these questions will be shared with caseworkers and this information will be used to create programs to better assist youth during the transition out of foster care. 

Here are some recent Tennessee NYTD Data

NYTD Follow-Up Age 21 Survey 2024

How Can You Stay in Touch with the Tennessee NYTD team? 

You can reach the TN NYTD team by email or toll-free number: 844-887-7277