Business Data

Key dashboards for small business and entrepreneurs in Tennessee

Find current data for businesses that have employees (and how many) or have no employees as well as data based on business ownership by race, ethnicity, gender and veteran status. Each dashboard allow you to sort your data by various points.


Economic Inclusion of Businesses

Find information on business owners by race, ethnicity, gender and veteran status, including data on businesses with and without employees. Data may be further sorted by industry (NAICS codes) and geographically.  


Nonemployer  Firms

Businesses classified as “nonemployers” have annual receipts of $1,000 or more and are subject to federal income taxes. Most nonemployers are self-employed individuals. The majority of all business establishments are nonemployers, but due to their small economic impact, these firms are excluded from most other federal business statistics. 



Small Business Employment

Find data about employment at small businesses, job growth occurring among small businesses, and the age of Tennessee’s small businesses. The dashboard reflects private sector employers, so it does not include nonemployers and government or other public sector organizations.