Associated Events

January 26, 2024

Site File HUB workshop

10:00AM - NOON

The Division of Archaeology invites qualified professional archaeologists to join the Site File Curators for a demonstration and discussion of the Site File HUB. This is an opportunity to learn about the processes for conducting background research in compliance with federal regulations such as NEPA and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. Participants will also have opportunities to ask questions about other Site File processes, such as recording sites and requesting documents. Federal Programs Archaeologist, Jennifer Barnett, will be on hand to discuss or answer any questions about the new SHPO Standards and Guidelines. 

Please note: This workshop is limited to qualified professional archaeologists who have an approved resume or CV on file with the TDOA

Please contact for more info on registering for this workshop.

Archaeological Advisory Council Meeting

1:00 PM

The Tennessee Archaeology Advisory Council, consists of eleven members appointed by the Governor for five-year terms. This meeting is open to the public. For more information, please visit:

Tennessee Council for Professional Archaeology Business Meeting

3:00 PM

The CRITA organizers are pleased to provide a space for the annual business meeting of the Tennessee Council for Professional Archaeology.  For more information on that organization, please visit:

Venue and Area Information

About the Venue and Dining Options

Morning Program

Abstracts of morning papers

Afternoon Program

Abstracts of afternoon papers

2024 CRITA Program

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