Step 1:

Determine if the Material is a Solid Waste

The first step is to determine if the material being evaluated is classified as a solid waste. If the material is NOT a solid waste, it cannot be a hazardous waste.

Solid Waste is defined in Rule 0400-12-01-.02(1)(b):

A “solid waste” is any discarded material that is not excluded by part (d)1 of this paragraph or that is not excluded by variance granted under subparagraphs (4)(b) and (c) of Rule 0400-12-01-.01 or that is not excluded by a non-waste determination under subparagraphs (4)(b) and (e) of Rule 0400-12-01-.01.

The definition of solid waste is not limited to wastes that are physically solid. Many solid wastes are liquid, semi-solid, or contained gaseous material.

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