Resources Links

Pre-Trial Resources

The NCJA Center for Justice System Planning:

Pretrial Justice Institute:

The Laura and John Arnold Foundation:

National Institute of Corrections:

American Bar Association:

Pretrial Toolkit (CJI):

Pretrial Services Starter Kit:

National Association of Counties

For more information on the “Strengthening Community Policing” initiative see the fact sheet which has been released by the White House.

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

National Sex Offender Public Registry

Support for criminal justice systems and communities: Bureau of Justice Assistance

BJA Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant Program:

Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Grants:

COPS Center for Problem Oriented Policing: Problem-oriented policing is designed to identify and remove the causes of recurring crime and disorder problems that harm communities.

President Obama addresses Human Trafficking at Clinton Global Initiative

Law, Justice, and Legal Services Competitive Grant Opportunities thru

Law Enforcement Online (LEO):

U.S. Department of Homeland Security:

Considerations for Developing an Optimal Individual Reentry Plan: Balancing Offender Needs, Community Factors and Practical Realities

Free Grant Assistance to Tennessee Public Safety Agencies:

Law Enforcement Innovation Center:

Crime Prevention:

National Criminal Justice Association:

Tennessee Narcotics Officers Association:

Human Trafficking in America Task Force:

Tennessee Association of Chiefs of Police

Tennessee Sheriff's Association

Office for Victims of Crime Launches Online Toolkit to Support Child Victim Outreach

The Office for Victims of Crime(OVC) has released an online toolkit of strategies for community collaboration to assist abused and neglected children and their caregivers. This free resource models the OVC-funded Helping and Lending Outreach Support (HALOS) program in Charleston, SC, which connects child victims and their caretakers to local organizations who provide resources and special opportunities to these families in need. The toolkit offers lessons learned from the HALOS initiative, recommends strategies for establishing programs similar to HALOS, and provides sample tools to use with partnering organizations.

Center on Disease Control DV Statistics

National Coalition To End Domestic Violence Statistics  Website for creating logic models and program evaluations for Anti-Violence programs.

Confronting Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking of Minors in the United States (2014)

Office For Victims of Crime:

Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Violence Against Women Office:

National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma, & Mental Health

Women's UN Report Program & Network (WUNRN)

Commission on the Status of Women:

Institute for Women's Policy Research (IWPR):

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV):

National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (NCAVP)

National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV):

Tennessee Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence:

​Implementation Lessons from Children Exposed to Violence Programs

DOR Registration for Sales Use Tax Letter of Exemption

Federal Statistics:

New Cost Benefit Tool Available to Help With Technology Decisions

Links to funding, training, programs, statistics and research about the Justice System, Fighting Crime and Crime Victims. Office of Justice Programs

Tennessee Demographics:

U.S. Department of Justice Home Page:

U.S. Department of Justice Financial Guidelines

State Purchasing Vendors:

Tennessee Law Enforcement Training Academy:

Human Trafficking Search

National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges:

National Drug Courts Institute:

National Forensic Academy:

Office of National Drug Control Policy:

Federal CONUS Travel Rates

  • Evidenced Based DV Prevention Program Models

  • DV Evidence Project   

    This project is led by the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence. This online resource center houses a comprehensive evidence review of domestic violence core services, programs, and innovative practices, including the review summaries and the theory of change.


    Promising Futures: Best Practices for Serving Children, Youth, and Parents Experiencing Domestic Violence  

    This project, led by Futures Without Violence, conducted a national scan and literature review of existing evidence and interventions from which they built an online resource and capacity building website to assist programs serving children.  



    This project is led by the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence.  This searchable collection of resources generated in the field includes training tools, campaigns, promising programs, evidence, policies, and other materials that can be adapted in each community to advance the prevention of intimate partner violence.



This Page Last Updated: December 27, 2017 at 4:00 PM