Helping Your Teen Quit

Tennessee Tobacco QuitLine

Begin with having conversations with your child or teen. The American Lung Association has some helpful resources to use before you start your conversation. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has a Tip Sheet for Parents with facts and conversation starters.

You might be tempted by e-cigarette flavors, but inhaling certain flavorings that
have been found in some e-cigarettes can be harmful. 

Help Your Teen Make a Plan

Start by asking your teen to think through strategies they think might work best. Some strategies could include:

  • Discovering their reason for quitting. They can use this list to help motivate them when temptation arises. 
  • Set a quit date
  • Be prepared for cravings
  • What are the benefits of quitting 
  • Discover reasons to quit

The CDC provides resources to help build a quit plan, and has a 6 step process for personalizing a quit plan.


Help Your Teen Understand the Risks

“I talk to them about the risks all the time,” she says, “and those talks reveal that they have never really thought about it. They are always interested when I pull up research and start listing off findings” Lauren W a high school teacher

Resources for Quitting

SmokeFreeTeen - Tools and tips

SmokeFreegov - Help your teen make a quit plan

CDC Quit Smoking - Help your teen make a quit plan 

American Lung Association - Help your teen quit 

4 Things Parents Need to Know About JUUL and Nicotine Addiction

Become An EX

TN Quitline - Telephone, online, or texting coaching 

EX Program Helps Answer “How to Help Your Child Stop Vaping” 

TN Quit Line