10-2-19 SBE Charter School Appeal Hearing for Knowledge Academy High School

October 2, 2019


October 2, 2019

2:30 pm


Cordell Hull Building House Hearing Room IV 425 5th Avenue North Nashville, TN 37243

2:30 p.m.       Call to Order                          Dr. Sara Morrison, Hearing Officer,
CDT                 Introduction                          Executive Director, Tennessee State
                                                                          Board of Education                                              

                        Metro Nashville                    Corey Harkey, Attorney, Metro Nashville  
                        Public Schools                       Legal
                        (15 min.)                                  Dennis Queen, Executive Director of
                                                                          Charter Schools
                                                                          Mary Laurens Minich, Director of Charter
                                                                          John Thomas, Coordinator of Charter

                         Knowledge Academy         Carol Swann, Swann Educational 
                         High School                           Solutions, Inc.
                         (15 min.)                                 Tom Lee, Frost Brown Todd LLC                                              

                        State Board                            Dr. Sara Morrison, Hearing Officer,
                        Questions                               Executive Director, Tennessee State Board of Education
                        (15 min.)                                                                               

                        Public Comments                 Names of those who signed up will be called.
                        (Up to 30 min.)                       Please state name and affiliation.                                              

                        Closing                                     Metro Nashville Public Schools (10 min.)
                        (20 min.)                                  Knowledge Academy High School (10 min.)                                              


REGISTRATION FOR PUBLIC COMMENT: If you wish to make a public comment during the public hearing, you must sign up prior to the public hearing date. Each individual who signs up will receive two (2) minutes to comment. You can sign up to comment by completing this online form OR by calling the State Board of Education offices at (615) 741-2966 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. CT. The sign up for public comment will close at 12:00 p.m. CT on Tuesday, October 1, 2019 or when fifteen (15) individuals have signed up. Only those individuals who have signed up by the deadline may speak during the public hearing.

NOTE: In lieu of making a public comment during the hearing, written comments may be submitted online, given to a member of the State Board staff before or after the hearing, or mailed, emailed, or faxed to:                              

                              Tennessee State Board of Education
                              Attn: Knowledge Academy High School
                              5th Floor, Davy Crockett Tower
                              500 James Robertson Parkway
                              Nashville, TN 37243
                              FAX: (615) 741-0371
                              E-mail: CharterSchool.Appeals@tn.gov

Written comments must be received by the State Board of Education by 4:30 p.m. CT on Wednesday, October 9, 2019 to be considered. All comments provided to the State Board of Education will be weighed equally. Further information is available on the State Board’s website: http://www.tn.gov/sbe