February 7, 2020 SBE Meeting

February 7, 2020


February 7, 2020

9:00 am


Tennessee Board of Regents 1st Floor - Conference Room 1 Bridgestone Park Nashville, TN 37214

Live stream

I.              Consent Items (Voice Vote)

                 A.            Adoption of Agenda

                 B.            Approval of Minutes from November 15, 2019 Meeting,
                                December 17, 2019 Educator Preparation & Licensure
                                Subcommittee Conference Call Meeting, January 6, 2020
                                Conference Call Meeting, and January 22, 2020 Testing & 
                                Accountability Subcommittee Meeting.

                 C.            BEP Review Committee Appointments
                                 List of proposed 2020 BEP Committee members.

 II.            Report Items

                 A.            2019 Blue Ribbon Schools Recognition
                                 Report on the 2019 Blue Ribbon Schools.

                 B.            2019 National ESEA Distinguished Schools Recognition
                                 Report on the 2019 National ESEA Distinguished Schools.

                 C.            Career and Technical Education Plan 
                                 Report on the State’s federal plan for the Carl D. Perkins Act

III.            Action Items (First Reading)

                 A.             Charter School Governing Board Training Policy 6.112 
                                  First reading to create Policy 6.112 which will contain a list of the approved charter school governing board                                                              training courses.

                  B.            Charter Schools Rule 0520-14-01
                                  First reading to update the rule to align with Public Chapter 219 of the 111th General Assembly.

                  C.            Charter School Waiver Request Rule 0520-14-02
                                  First reading to update the item to rule with Public Chapter 219 of the 111th General Assembly.

                   D.            Educator Licensure Policy 5.502
                                   First reading of item to align the licensure policy with updates to Rule 0520-02-03 Educator Licensure and to remove                                           duplicative information that is already in rule.

                    E.            Employment Standards Rule 0520-02-06
                                   First reading of item to create standalone Employment Standards Rule for easier access for school and district                                                       personnel, rather than having Employment Standards as a section of rule 0520-01-02.

IV.              Action Items (Final Reading)

                   A.            Board Meetings Policy 1.400
                                   Final reading of an item to update the types of items permitted to be approved on first reading.  There have been                                                 changes since first reading.

                   B.            Pupil Transportation Rule 0520-01-05
                                  Final reading of item to remove certain limitations on commercial advertising in alignment with statutory changes.                                                There have been no changes since first reading.

                   C.            Career & Technical Education (CTE) Standards Revisions   
                                   Final reading of item to revise standards and propose new courses in several career and technical education fields.  The                                     Personal Finance Standards have been removed for further feedback until the May 2020 meeting and the                                                               Pharmacological Sciences Standards have been revised since first reading.  The other standards have not changed                                               since first reading.
                                             Principles of Food Production                                        Pharmacological Sciences
                                             Applied Environmental Science                                     Medical Assisting
                                             Food Science and Safety                                                  Public Health and Epidemiology
                                             Advanced Food Science                                                   Hospitality and Tourism Management I
                                             Natural Resource Management                                    Hospitality and Tourism Management II
                                             Supervised Agriculture Experience                               Hospitality and Tourism Management III
                                             Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Agriculture                Unmanned Aircraft Systems Pilot

                   D.            Professional Assessments for Tennessee Educators Policy 5.105 
                                   Final reading of item to remove previously required assessments and provide new options for assessments in several                                         World Languages.  There have been changes since first reading.

                   E.            Teacher and Administrator Evaluation Policy 5.201
                                   Final reading of item to propose pathways for the approval of alternate growth measures for pre-K/K portfolios and                                             make several other updates.  There have been changes since first reading.

                   F.            Strategic Compensation Policy 5.600   
                                  Final reading of item to require LEAs to submit vacancy data to the Department of Education annually.  There have been                                    no changes since first reading.

                   G.            Personnel Policy 1.300
                                   First and final reading to add a new section on settlement authority and formalizes the process for how legal                                                         settlements are handled.

                   H.            Charter School Governing Board Training Rule 0520-14-01-.07    
                                    Final reading of new rule regarding training requirements for charter school governing board members in                                                                accordance with statute.  There have been changes since first reading.

                   I .             Charter School Performance Framework
                                    Final reading of item to update the charter school performance framework financial section to identify sources of                                                  relevant data.  There have been no changes since first reading.

                    J.             Charter School Local Education Agency (LEA) Policies
                                    First and final reading of updates to the policies that govern Board authorized charter schools.  Policy 6309                                                              Zero Tolerance and Policy 6317 Required Remands and Student Disciplinary Hearing Authority.

                   K.             Occupational Educator Scholarship Rule 0520-02-05
                                    Final reading of an item to create rules for the Occupational Educator Scholarship Program.  There have been changes                                        since first reading.

V.               Charter School Appeal Actions

                    A.            Nashville Classical Charter School Appeal
                                   Final reading of appeal by Nashville Classical Charter School to the State Board of Education.

VI.              DHS Licensure Actions

                    A.           Tennessee Department of Human Services (DHS) Defaults
                                   Educator licenses subject to action as per DHS information.

VII.              Teacher License Actions

                    A.           Cathryn Coop – Suspension 2 Years

                    B.            John Demerdjian – Formal Reprimand

                    C.           Devin Harper – Suspension 3 Months

                    D.           Jonathan Isley – Voluntary Surrender

                    E.           Steven Lynch – Suspension 3 Months

                    F.           Colleen Molnar – Suspension, 2 Years Retroactive*

                    G.           Frank Shaw – Voluntary Surrender

                    H.           David Weatherford – Voluntary Surrender

                    *             Item VII. F. is subject to the Board Rule filed on January 25, 2016, and expired on September 4, 2017.

VIII.           Adjournment