Law Enforcement Services

The TDDTF provides the highest level of training and response available when it comes to clandestine drug labs and the trafficking of controlled substances. The Task Force stands ready to provide training, equipment, and intelligence to law enforcement officers across the state and has been instrumental in empowering local agencies to eradicate drug labs in their area. If you or your agency are in need of training, equipment, or HAZMAT response, please contact the TDDTF by phone or email and someone will respond to you as soon as possible.



DI3 stands for Drug Investigation and Information Integration System, Tennessee's premier drug investigation repository provided to all law enforcement agencies in Tennessee free of charge. In addition to a wide array of investigative tools, DI3 also contains a large amount of drug records of many varieties to help investigatiors and officers track down members of illegal drug organizations.


TDDTF Response Trucks & Drivers

The Response Truck program is the backbone of the TDDTF's LE support network. Through our response drivers, law enforcement agencies receive quick access to all of the materials needed to deconstruct and neutralize potentially hazardous lab environments, in addition to personal safety equipment and portable analysis devices need for other situations.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

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Drug Evidence Incineration Program

The TDDTF provides the Drug Evidence Incineration Program so that law enforcement agencies can dispose of evidence that is no longer relevant to active investigations for free. If you are a law enforcement officer, you can request incineration services using the form and info found on this page to get started.