School Performance and Accountability Committee

November 16, 2021


November 16, 2021

1:00 pm


Join via WebEx: Access Code: AGnmARjp334 Phone Line: 1-415-655-0001 Phone Access Code: 2316 483 5789


I. Welcome
Chris Richards, Committee Chair

            - Roll Call
            - Review of Agenda
            - Approval of Prior Minutes

II. Amendment Petition: Cornerstone Prep School
Beth Figueroa, Director of Authorizing, Ashley Thomas, General Counsel

            - Recommendation
            - Cornerstone Prep Petition
            - Amended Charter Agreement                                                                                                                                                                                                            - Amended Charter Agreement (Redline)                      

III. Achievement School District Update
Tess Stovall, Executive Director

IV. Closing Discussion and Adjournment
Chris Richards, Committee Chair