Special Called Meeting

November 29, 2021


November 29, 2021

1:00 pm


Join via WebEx: https://bit.ly/3jId10T Access Code: TaRxBRtd277 Phone Line: 1-415-655-0001 Phone Access Code: 2317 483 5412

Pursuant to Policy 1.200 - Commission Meetings, each regular and special-called Commission meeting shall provide for the opportunity for public comment. Requests to speak at the Commission meeting must be received by 4 pm Central Time on the business day immediately preceding the Commission meeting. Please complete this form to request to speak at the November 29, 2021 Commission meeting. Written public comments may be submitted by completing this form.


I. Welcome
Tom Griscom, Commission Chairman

            - Roll Call
            - Review of Agenda
            - Approval of Prior Minutes

II. Public Comments

III. Amendment Petition: Cornerstone Prep School
Beth Figueroa, Director of Authorizing, Ashley Thomas, General Counsel

            - Recommendation
            - Cornerstone Prep Petition
            - Amended Charter Agreement             
            - Charter Agreement Redline

IV. Final Reading: Commission Policy
Ashley Thomas, General Counsel

            - 1.000- Mission Statement

V. Closing Discussion and Adjournment
Tom Griscom, Commission Chairman