Special Called Meeting

December 4, 2023


December 4, 2023

10:30 am


Virtual via WebEx Livestream link: https://bit.ly/47Kt4Si

Pursuant to Policy 1.200 – Commission Meetings, each regular and special-called Commission meeting shall provide for the opportunity for public comment. Requests to speak at the December 4, 2023 Commission meeting must be received by 4:00 P.M. CT on December 1, 2023. Please complete this form to request to speak. Written public comments may be submitted by completing this form by 4:00p.m. CT on December 1, 2023.


I. Welcome
Chris Richards, Commission Chair

       - Roll Call
       - Review of Agenda
       - Approval of Prior Minutes

II. Public Comment

III. Executive Director’s Update
Tess Stovall, Executive Director

IV. Report: School Performance and Accountability Committee
Terence Patterson, Committee Chair

       - Libertas School of Memphis Amendment Petition
       - Libertas School of Memphis Proposed Updated Charter Agreement
       - Libertas School of Memphis Executive Director's Recommendation

V. TISA Accountability Report
Tess Stovall, Executive Director and Melanie Harrell, Director of Finance and Operations

VI. Closing Discussion and Adjournment
Chris Richards, Commission Chair