Program Overview

    Dive into the core of the HGGP as we guide Veteran Service Organizations in Tennessee towards honoring veterans' legacies with appropriate ceremonial honors.

    Funding & Reimbursement

    Financial stewardship made clear. Grasp the full scope of funding and reimbursement, including what expenses are covered and how to submit claims.

    Eligibility Criteria

    The criteria that defines the grantee. This section details the qualifications necessary for VSOs to receive HGGP funding, ensuring that support is directed to eligible veterans.

    Monitoring & Compliance

    Accountability is paramount. This area provides insight into our oversight practices, ensuring that every dollar granted honors and supports our veterans with integrity.

    Application Process

    Your pathway to support begins here. Navigate through our comprehensive application guide, designed to help your organization successfully secure HGGP funding.


    Find answers to common questions about the Honor Guard Grant Program and understand the details of eligibility, application, and funding.

    Essential Resources and Quick Access Forms