Governor Haslam Proclaims May 9 Military Spouse Day

Thursday, May 08, 2014 | 12:00pm

Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam and Department of Veterans Affairs Commissioner Many-Bears Grinder today announced May 9, 2014 is Military Spouse Day.  The day of recognition for military spouses is observed throughout the country to include Tennessee.

In 1984, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed a day of observance to recognize and honor the contributions and sacrifices of military spouses as “the profound importance of spouse commitment to the readiness and well-being of service members”.

Since 1984, the United States Armed Forces and the country set aside the Friday before Mother’s Day each year to pay tribute to spouses who continue to take care of their families and homes while their loved ones in uniform answer the call to serve their country.

“Military spouses are the foundation of our country’s fighting force,” Grinder said.  “They offer stability and support to our men and women in uniform, while creating a support network to the families who comprise our military bases and communities across the state and nation.  We are so grateful for the sacrifice and enduring spirit of our military spouses.”

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