STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics)

Given the critical nature of much of the work in the STEM career cluster, job possibilities abound even in times of economic downturn. More scientists, technologists and engineers will be needed to meet environmental regulations and to develop methods of cleaning up existing hazards. A shift in emphasis toward preventing problems rather than controlling those that already exist, as well as increasing public health concerns, also will spur demand for these positions.

Programs of Study

Engineering is a new program of study designed for students interested in the various disciplines of engineering and engineering technology. Course content is arranged around four sequenced, progressive courses that provide students with the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills and understanding of engineering concepts. Students then apply these skills in conjunction with the multi-step engineering design process to solve real-world problems. The capstone Engineering Practicum course places students with industry partners to complete a design project, report the results, and present their project before an audience. Students have the option to complete AP Physics as an alternative to the Engineering Practicum course. Upon completion of this POS, students will be prepared to pursue engineering studies at postsecondary institutions.

Course Standards

The Technology program of study is for students who wish to pursue careers in robotics, electronics, and related engineering and technology fields. Course content introduces students to the principles of engineering and the engineering design process, then progresses to apply these skills in the context of robotics, electronics, and automated systems. Upon completion of this POS, students will have gained valuable training in an Engineering Practicum or AP Physics capstone course, and be prepared for advanced study in a variety of STEM fields at the postsecondary level.

Course Standards

STEM Education is a new program of study designed for students interested in the exciting careers available in the high-demand fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. This program of study is uniquely structured to offer students an overview of STEM fields, occupations, and applications in the first year, followed by more specialized study of the scientific inquiry or engineering design process in subsequent years, culminating in a portfolio and internship experience. Upon completion of this POS, students will be prepared to pursue advanced study in the STEM field of their choice at a variety of postsecondary institutions.

Course Standards


              °             Advanced STEM Applications Resources

              °             BioSTEM Resources

              °             Engineering Resources

              °             Stem Equipment List

              °             Technology Resources

              °             Middle School STEM Resources