Lead-Based Paint Abatement Compliance Guidelines

Lead Abatement Compliance Guidelines

The Toxic Substances Program monitors the compliance of contractors and workers conducting lead abatement projects in target residential dwellings and child occupied facilities built prior to 1978.

A Compliance Guide Notebook was developed by the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC), Lead Hazard Program based on collaboration with the Ohio Department of Health, Lead Poisoning Prevention Program.

The Notebook is intended to assist lead-based paint certified firms and individuals to conduct lead hazard reduction activities in Tennessee in compliance with the State of Tennessee Rule 1200-01-18-.01 and Federal Regulations.

The Compliance Guide Notebook is broken down into thirteen (13) sections and posted here in whole and in parts for your convenience.

Image of the cover page of the lead based paint abatement compliance guide

*Click the image above to download the entire 642 page (12.2MB) document

Lead-Based Paint Enforcement
Adrianne White
Lead-Based Paint Compliance
Pamela Franklin
Compliance Notebook Inquiries
Rashad Taylor

This Page Last Updated: July 12, 2024 at 11:04 AM