Douglas Henry State Museum Commission Quarterly Meeting Minutes and Agenda

January 24, 2017


January 24, 2017

10:00 am


Museum Experience Room, Level D


The DHSMC met at 10:07 a.m. on January 24, 2017, in the Museum Experience Room (MER), Level D of the Tennessee State Museum with Chairman Thomas S. Smith presiding.

Members Present

Thomas S. Smith, Chair

Nancy De Friece, Vice Chair

Victor Ashe

Pete Claussen

Speaker Beth Harwell

Deputy House Speaker Steve McDaniel

Deanie Parker

Representative Charles Sargent

Laura Travis

Senator Bo Watson

Eleanor Yoakum


Robert Buchanan, Tennessee Historical Society Chair

Members Absent

Harbert Alexander

Walter Knestrick

Participating Guests in Attendance

Commissioner Rebecca Hunter, Department of Human Resources (DOHR)

Martha Campbell, Deputy Attorney General

Kathryn Baker, Assistant Attorney General

Alex Rieger, Assistant Attorney General

Bill Peterson, Carter Baldwin Search Firm

Senator Douglas Henry

Paul Levengood                              

Ashley Howell

Tennessee State Museum Staff (TSM)

Mary Jane Crockett-Green

Sharon Dennis

Dan Justice

Dan Pomeroy

Mary Skinner

Lori Thurston-Smith

Call to Order/Introductions

Chairman Thomas S. Smith called the meeting to order at 10:07 a.m. He verified that a quorum was present following roll call.  Chairman Smith introduced Senator Bo Watson, who serves on the Commission as Chair of Senate Finance Ways and Means Committee. He then presided over the following business.

Approval of the October 10, 2016, Quarterly Meeting Minutes

Chairman Smith entertained a motion for approval of the minutes from the Commission’s October 2016 quarterly meeting.  Commissioner Eleanor Yoakum moved to approve the minutes; Representative Charles Sargent seconded. There being no discussion, the Commission voted and approved the October 10, 2016, DHSMC quarterly meeting minutes with one abstaining vote from Commissioner Victor Ashe.

Approval of the December 9, 2016, Special Called Meeting Minutes

Chairman Smith entertained a motion to approve the minutes from the DHSMC’s Special Called meeting on December 9, 2016. Commissioner Deanie Parker moved to approve the minutes; Representative Sargent seconded. There being no discussion, the Commission voted and approved the December 9, 2016, Special Called meeting minutes with one dissenting vote from Commissioner Ashe.

Search Committee (SC) Update

Chairman Smith recognized Representative Steve McDaniel as Chairman of the Search Committee to present the report. Representative McDaniel reported that the Search Committee met at 3:30 on Monday, January 23, 2017, with the purpose of reviewing the top five selected candidates, as selected by the executive search firm, for the executive director position. He announced that the Committee narrowed the selection to two finalists to be interviewed by the Commission at the meeting. Chairman McDaniel recognized Bill Peterson from Carter Baldwin, the executive search firm contracted by the State of Tennessee as the search consultant. Mr. Peterson discussed Carter Baldwin’s role and involvement with the search process in coordination with DOHR and the Search Committee. Chairman McDaniel closed the report and opened the floor for discussion and questions.

Discussion entailed further questions about the Search Committee’s interview process involving the five finalists and the steps involved following the interview. Chairman Smith recognized Department of Human Resources Commissioner Rebecca Hunter to respond to questions regarding the process, which included background checks, references, and salary negotiations.

Commissioner Hunter added that DOHR will negotiate salary and benefits, perform additional reference checks, and coordinate background checks with the TBI.

Executive Director Candidates

Commission members received resumes for two candidates. Interviews began at 10:37 a.m. and ended at 11:58 a.m. Candidates Paul Levengood and Ashley Brown Howell were interviewed separately.  Following the interviews, the Commission discussed the budget for the position and candidate preferences. When asked, Commissioner Hunter stated the DOHR salary survey determined the maximum compensation that could be paid for the position.

A motion was made and seconded regarding candidate choices and a voice vote was taken but insomuch as the result of the vote was difficult to determine by voice vote alone, the Chairman called for a roll call vote.  After discussion by and between several commissioners and prior to a roll call vote being taken, both the original motion by Watson and second by De Friece were withdrawn to allow Commission members additional time to individually research and consider each candidate and to allow Speaker Beth Harwell to continue her participation in the meeting by phone since she had been in attendance for the interviews. Following discussion regarding policies and parliamentary process, Senator Watson made a motion to adjourn until one o’clock. Chairman Smith requested that Deputy Attorney General Martha Campbell remind the Commissioners that they were not allowed to deliberate or discuss the candidates among themselves in any way during that time. After Commissioner Yoakum seconded, Chairman Smith adjourned the meeting for recess at 12:20. 

Chairman Smith reconvened the Commission meeting at 1:00 p.m. and commenced with a roll call which reflected a quorum. The same members were in attendance with the exception of Commissioner Harwell who was in attendance by phone. Chairman Smith continued with discussion which included the candidates, the job description for the position, a review of the process involved in developing the job description with DOHR via the DOHR/DHSMC workshop, the number of votes required in order to select the candidate, and the Commission’s contractual arrangements with Carter Baldwin regarding placements.  Senator Watson moved that the commission put forward the name of Ashley Brown Howell as candidate number one (1) for the position of Director of the Tennessee State Museum; Nancy De Friece seconded. The Chair called for a roll-call vote. Commissioners Claussen, DeFriece, Harwell, McDaniel, Parker, Smith, Travis, Watson, and Yoakum voted in favor, none against and Commissioners Ashe and Sargent abstained.  The motion passed with 9 votes in favor, no votes against and 2 abstentions.

Deanie Parker moved to select Paul Levengood as an alternate Candidate for the executive director position in the event that Ashley Brown Howell is not able to accept the position; Commissioner Sargent seconded. Chairman Smith called for a roll-call vote. Commissioners McDaniel, Parker, Sargent, Smith, Travis, and Yoakum voted in favor, Commissioners Ashe, Claussen, DeFriece and Watson voted against. The motion passed with 6 votes in favor, four votes against and no abstentions. Speaker Harwell excused herself from the meeting via telephone prior to the vote.

Budget Report

Chairman Smith recognized TSM Deputy Director Mary Jane Crockett-Green, who reported that the museum had spent approximately half of its budget for the mid-point of the fiscal year. A copy of the TSM general operating budget through December 31, 2016, was included in the meeting agenda and meeting book materials. Discussion included the source of the funds that were allocated to the equity pay increases that the Commission approved at its December 9, 2016, meeting. It was noted that the allocation came from salary savings from vacant positions. There was also some discussion regarding three recently terminated positions and confirmation that unspent funds from the museum’s remaining budget are reverted to the State at fiscal year-end.

Committee Appointments

Chairman Smith announced the proposed appointments to the Audit Finance Committee which included Harbert Alexander (Chair), Representative Charles Sargent, and Eleanor Yoakum, noting that the Commission Chair and the Museum Executive Director also serve as ex-officio members of the Committee. There was discussion about reviewing the DHSMC By-Laws’ inclusion of the executive director position on the Audit Finance Committee because it could reflect a potential conflict of interest. Chairman Smith stated he would ask the By-Laws Committee to review the matter at its next meeting. Representative McDaniel moved to accept the Chair’s appointments to the Audit Finance Committee; Commissioner Parker seconded. The Commission voted and the motion passed. Senator Watson excused himself before the vote.

Chairman Smith announced the Nominating Committee appointments include Representative Charles Sargent (Chair), Speaker Beth Harwell, and Laura Travis.

Other Business

The Chair announced that the Commission would meet in Executive Session to discuss a legal matter with the Attorney General’s office.

Prior to going into Executive Session, Commissioner Ashe moved to recognize Bob Thomas for his work and service as the former Tennessee State Museum Foundation chairman; Laura Travis seconded. The Commission voted and unanimously approved the motion.

Chairman Smith convened the Executive Session from 1:47 p.m. to 1:54 p.m. Chairman Smith reconvened the quarterly Commission meeting  and announced that the Attorney General’s office accepted Adecco’s offer to return $25,000 to the State as a settlement in the dispute over charges involving a legal matter regarding a former museum employee.

Chairman Smith recognized Collections Acquisitions Committee (CAC) Chair Deanie Parker who acknowledged on display an East Tennessee Cherokee “sampler.” She then recognized TSM Director of Collections Dan Pomeroy who briefly discussed the conservators who are assisting the Collections Department in preparing artifacts for the move to the new museum. The Chair thanked Dan Pomeroy and his staff for their diligent work as we go through the process of running the existing museum and planning for the move to the new museum.

Main Motions Summary

Commissioner Eleanor Yoakum moved to approve the October 10, 2016 quarterly meeting minutes; Representative Charles Sargent seconded. The Commission voted and approved the meeting minutes.

Commissioner Deanie Parker moved to approve the December 9, 2016 Special Called meeting minutes; Representative Sargent seconded. The Commission voted and approved the meeting minutes.

Senator Watson made a motion to stand at recess until one o’clock; Commissioner Yoakum seconded. Chairman Smith adjourned the meeting for recess until 1:00 p.m. 

Senator Watson moved that the commission put forward the name of Ashley Brown Howell as candidate number one for the position of Director of the Tennessee State Museum; Nancy De Friece seconded. The Chair called for a roll-call vote. Commissioners Claussen, DeFriece, Harwell, McDaniel, Parker, Smith, Travis, Watson, and Yoakum voted in favor, none against, and Commissioners Ashe and Sargent abstained. The motion passed with 9 votes in favor, no votes against and 2 abstentions.

Deanie Parker moved to select Paul Levengood as an alternate Candidate for the executive director position in the event that Ashley Brown Howell is not able to accept the position; Commissioner Sargent seconded. Chairman Smith called for a roll-call vote. Commissioners McDaniel, Parker, Sargent, Smith, Travis, and Yoakum voted in favor, Commissioners Ashe, Claussen, DeFriece and Watson voted against. The motion passed with 6 votes in favor, four votes against and no abstentions.

Representative McDaniel moved to accept Chairman Smith’s appointments to the Audit Finance Committee; Commissioner Parker seconded. The Commission voted and the motion passed.

Prior to going into Executive Session, Commissioner Ashe moved to recognize Bob Thomas for his work and service as the former Tennessee State Museum Foundation chairman; Laura Travis seconded. The Commission voted and unanimously approved the motion.

Announcements Made

Chairman Smith announced that Senator Bo Watson serves on the Commission as the Chairman of the Senate Finance Ways and Means Committee.

Chairman Smith announced the Nominating Committee appointments include Representative Charles Sargent (Chair), Speaker Beth Harwell, and Laura Travis.

Chairman Smith announced that the Attorney General’s office agreed to accept Adecco’s offer to return $25,000 to the State as a settlement in the dispute of charges involving a legal matter with a former museum employee.


There being no further business or discussion, Chairman Smith adjourned the meeting at 1:59 p.m.